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  • Writer's pictureJitendra Savanur

Poem: Boon in a Bane

Gone are the days of morality and peace,

Enjoyment the focus, on an exponential increase,

The door of mind being dangerously ajar,

Every impression on it becoming a deepening scar,

They say it’s perfection we are heading to,

But sometimes I wonder, is it really true?

Expectations rising beyond the eyes can see,

And egos going on a boosting-spree,

Thus, clashes of ego area frequent sight,

That shackle us to this entangling plight,

They say it’s perfection we are heading to,

But sometimes I wonder, is it really true?

Upon temporary pleasures our existence stands,

Seeking illusory treasures, but suffering material pangs,

Constantly, by deceptive glitters, blinded we are,

Unaware that we aredying with every passing hour,

They say it’s perfection we are heading to,

But sometimes I wonder, is it really true?

Many around us are devoured by nature’s might,

We still fail to anticipate oureventual plight,

“Who cares, enjoy right now” is today’s working rule,

Knowing not what awaits, one becomes greater a fool,

They say it’s perfection we are heading to,

But sometimes I wonder, is it really true?

But there is one boon in this ocean of pains,

That slays miseries with showers of mercy rains,

It is the holy name, saviour of the wretched and also themeek,

Chanted with love, we find the pleasure we desperately seek,

The ocean of life being turbulent andour resolveso frail,

The holy name gives it strength, and us a victorious sail,

Now if one says it’s perfection we’re heading to,

With the holy name, it is certainly true!



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